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New Zealand (fascinating desk) This world is full of wonders and there are huge limestone caves in Waitomo area of ​​New Zealand that have an extraordinary reputation due to the insect pests all over the world. The light emitting on the roof of the ceiling is astonishing to see insects. Their brightness is like the starry sky in the night, and these caves are famous around the world. Shawn Jeffers, a photographer of nature and wildlife in New Zealand, has been coming for many years for some of the best photos in bright caves here and some photos. They have waited for the right situation and the weather


He took 30 seconds to 6 minutes of exposure for bright and exquisite photos, so his image was excellent and standard. These lights emit certain types of insects, called Arachnocampa luminosa, which are found in this cave. The worm was first discovered in the same cave in 1871. These animals are found in large numbers in the southern and northern islands of New Zealand, and are responsible for the glowing light in these caves. There are about 300 caves in the area of ​​Waitomo in which they are found in the glowing insects. Some of the caves originated as a result of geological processes some 30 million years ago.

With this gift
Earned billions of dollars' There are limestone cliffs beneath Vita Mo 'Cave inside the rocks and a river flowing into the cave' This secret river is dark
Flows out into caves, 'irrigates the area and falls into the sea' revolving 'Fred Mack, one hundred 32 years ago.Desired to find the source of the river in the heart of 'he was an engineer in the railway' he talked to the local chief, Tai Tinoro, but he was not pleased '4


The natives of New Zealand, called the Mauryas, 'who used to worship the caves' mountains and rivers' are not convinced to tamper with them but
Mack favored Tani Tinoro as they both built a small boat in 1887 and entered the series of caves' inside the cave.The world was amazed by the people 'there were layers of cave inside', the cave was several floors and the river was flowing beneath it. When they landed in the river.They saw a strange scene on the roof of a cave 'There were millions of bugs hanging from the ceiling like jars in the darkness.

Shining 'These shining insects were a miracle of power' They were shining like stars and the ceiling of the cave felt like a sky 'Mori chieftain immediately fell in prostration 'It was thinking of these insects as god' It was a fascinating discovery 'Overlooked the pests and finally decided to make this gift of nature a tourist hub, 'Mac opened the caves in a few years' arrival and Build routes for progress and get tourists to the caves' This is New Zealand's largest "tourist" in the coming days.Attraction "Becomes" This attraction has been going on for the last 125 years 'Electricity bulbs were installed in caves 1926' In 1953 Queen Elizabeth visited her.In 1975, a Research Council for Pest Lifecycle Research was formed and this miracle of power came into the scientific realm. Inside the cave was a beautiful combination of light and shadows 'These are the Cave of Limestone'. This area was hidden in water two and a half million years ago.Was water passing through different cliffs of Limestone 'Waterways continue to create caves inside Limestone' One and a half million years ago.Water went down Vitamu appeared' Soil on top of rocks 'Made first grass' Grasses emerged from the grass and shrubs became jungle.And Then humans settled here, but these men were unaware of this fact until 1887. There are caves hundreds of miles under their feet and inside these caves.There is life in the form of shiny insects' water still flows from the roof of the cave 'where does this water come from'Don't know 'Maybe it's rain water or it comes from the roots of the trees next to the upper reaches of the caves'.


This water gin
Comes down from the places 'Limestone knives' swords and arrows are hanging from the ceiling.
The drops appear 'these drops fall to the floor continuously' the drops of water contain crystals of limestone 'These crystals are small ducks on the floor.
Make 'as soon as we entered the cave' we saw dozens of idols on the floor and ceiling 'see images and pictures'

All these idol water and limestone
Were born and it took them millions of years to come in these forms, 'We were then taken to the underground river'We sailed, and we boarded the boat.'This scene takes humans in trans' These shiny insects are the ancient type of mildew. More people call them "TTY."Wai (say ).It means light on water, they call it blind or ear worm. These insects live in a place where there is no air.Or very short 'The insect lifecycle consists of 12 months'. These eggs form larvae then become pupa and eventually become young.At the age of larvae the white thread of the crystals becomes and hangs in the atmosphere. 'The length of the thread is ten to fifty centimeters'.They live in this state 'then become pupa for three months', then become young for four days 'laying one and a half hundred eggs and eventually die'


The flies I find are their food 'this bee is looking for light' insects attract the fly by burning There are two more caves in Vitamo which are also a great source of power but could not go there due to lack of time.The waterfall flows inside and people protest in the darkness above the waterfall, 'this is a game' arranged for the game Blackwater.

One company does 'these people go out into the river by the waterfall'It is also a life time experience but the motivation and courage for that experience
Both want and I had neither courage nor courage. Gisborne was my last destination 'It is in the extreme east of the world', the only one in Gisborne
The feature is 'This is the population of the world that sees the first rays of the sun daily' Our Earth is 360 degrees 'Man divides the time' To determine the orientation and direction, cut the ground 360 degrees in a circle from the middle 'This is called the equator.Send our letter Divide the earth into 180 degrees and 180 degrees two degrees.It is at 1.178 degrees as its citizens observe the first rays of the sun daily 'The sun travels all over the world from here and finally The sun sets over Samoa Island in New Zealand's neighborhood 'This trip consists of 24 hours'. 24 lines are drawn in the path of the sun for 'an hour line is equal to one hour' behind the sun is darkness' As time travels along these lines it becomes dark behind it until it becomes' night and day.Contains the hours where the nights are long, the days are shortened, and where the days are long, the nights are shorter.Insects were wrapped in 'These insects were burning like stars' This scene takes human in trance 'These shiny insects are the oldest type of mildew' More people call them "TTY 2020 There are also two poles' North Pole and South Pole. These two poles are far from the reach of the sun, there is no light here 'every six months of our year The pole gets a little closer to the sun 'This proximity causes the change of seasons' in the summer the North Pole is closer to the sun and the south is far away.
As a result, the days are prolonged in the inhabited countries near the North Pole


And short at the South Pole. The North Pole in June and July
Travel to You will find there 24 hours a day 'There is no sunset' I was two years ago on the North Pole in Norway 24 It was also a Lifetime Experience, while the Pole is away from the South Sun in July so winter starts here.Due to which the days become shorter and the fast becomes cold, in November-December the pole moves a little above the south and the pole north
As a result, summer starts in Australia and New Zealand and winters in the west ' If you travel from south to north in December, you
The winter and the night will continue to increase, as you will not see the sun in Norway and Sweden.Three specialists live in complete darkness: 'New Zealand's Gisborne and Norway's End of the World are so important to understand this journey'
If you want to see the first ray of the sun, you have to go to New Zealand, Gisborne and the island of Fiji to Tuni.Located at 180 degrees, there is a difference of twelve hours between Greenwich in London and London, Greenwich is at zero time while Twenny is about twelve hours.
Is at a distance of 2 so either day or night starts from this island 'because of this uniqueness there are two days at this place' There is a six inch line
The right-hand corner of today is the day and the left hand is Easter Day. If you begin the journey on the left-hand side of the line, you will be behind in the calendar
Will start moving until you reach Canada and the United States, and if you start traveling on the right hand side of the line you will
To the US and Canada to-date, your watch needles will complete their journey but your sun will not sink in.
The third perfection of Adonai is 'This is the place where Fajr is the first call in the world'. 
This is the prayer of the sun
Travels all over the world as well 'I will go to Gwenbour after Toonie but before that with the first rays of the sun on June 25th and Kaiser Rasheed
It was a wonderful day. We arrived in Gisborne after an eight-hour drive 'the next morning the sun was set to depart at seven o'clock 27 minutes'.
Reached the highest point of 'there were three people before us', the last or perhaps the first in the world was the Captain Cook Observatory.
Ruddha was popping up in the corner of the pit, 'the sky was turning red and the clouds were stretching their curtains to the left and giving way to the rays'. 
Our eyes
The sky was firmly 'rising to the sky' until the moment came when the sun went out slightly and the first ray of the day.
Jumped into the sea 'we could claim five now' in this world of seven billion people, the first of the sun on June 25, 2016
Have seen it but may not! Maybe there is something bigger crazy than us in Toowani and she reached the sun two seconds before us. '
Who is' I arrived in Toowani two days later in search of it


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